Get ready for CSRD

Worried about CSRD?  Don’t! - We’re here to guide you step by step with modern technology and expert advice.

CSRD Framework Display along with other Frameworks

What is the CSRD?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a key rule set by the European Union (EU) for mandatory sustainability reporting.
The CSRD will mandate 50,000 companies across the EU to follow detailed sustainability reporting standards, corresponding to 75% of all EU companies’ turnover.
● Under the CSRD, companies around the world will be required to report ESG data in line with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), with the same level of regulatory scrutiny applied to financial data.
● To prepare a CSRD report, companies need to complete double materiality assessments, collect vast amounts of sustainability data across business entities, and pass an independent audit.
● With reporting deadlines beginning in early 2025, companies need to start their compliance journey as soon as possible.

Start preparing for CSRD compliance today.

Get started

Who needs to comply with the CSRD?

Large companies icon
Large companies (both EU and non-EU subsidiaries)
Companies with over 250 employees and/or with an annual turnover exceeding €50 million and/or with total assets exceeding €25 million are obligated to report under the CSRD.
Listed and SME icon
Listed companies, including SMEs (excluding micro-companies)
SMEs have a 3-year time lag before they are required to report under the CSRD.
Insurance and credit icon
Insurance and credit institutions
Entities within these sectors are subject to CSRD reporting requirements.
Non EU icon
Non-European companies with subsidiaries in the EU
Non-EU companies with a net turnover of €150 million or more within the EU are obliged to report under the CSRD.
● Subsidiary if the parent company includes subsidiary in its report
● Listed micro companies

CSRD compliance timeline


The CSRD entered into force.

From 2024

All large companies already covered by the NFRD that meet at least two of the following three requirements:
  • 500 or more employees
  • €40 million in net turnover
  • €20 million in assets

From 2025

All large companies that meet at least two of the following three requirements:
  • 250 or more employees
  • €40 million in net turnover
  • €20 million in assets

From 2026

Small and medium sized-enterprises (SMEs) that meet at least two of the following requirements:
  • More than 10 employees
  • More than €700,000 net revenue
  • More than €350,000 in assets

From 2028

All non-EU-country companies, with net turnover above €150 million in the EU and if they have at least one subsidiary or branch in the EU.

Ready to start your journey?

Our sustainability experts, assisted by modern software, support your CSRD compliance journey step by step through tailored advisory engagements.
Choosing topic icon

Identify priorities

  • Identify your key material topics via a double materiality assessment
  • Define your ESG reporting strategy, including goals and targets
  • Engage with your key stakeholders and gather their feedback

Assess gaps

  • Benchmark against your industry peers and competitors
  • Understand the key requirements of the CSRD/ESRS
  • Conduct a data gap analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses

Build foundations

diginex ESG logo
  • Define your reporting framework, including key topics and metrics
  • Conduct a GHG footprint analysis across Scope 1, 2 and 3.
  • Collect, aggregate and validate ESG data across the business

Draft report

diginex ESG logo
  • Develop your ESRS report structure and content
  • Review and improve your reporting for compliance
  • Develop your content index

Design & Publish

  • Design your full or key sections of your ESRS report
  • Develop a "live", interactive, web-version of your ESRS report
  • Support your ESRS data assurance
Are you interested in partnering up to run a custom-designed program for your firm or clients? Let's talk

Do you prefer to start with the basics?
Join our training programme

We help you

  • Understand what the CSRD is all about, including the key requirements, timelines, and components.
  • Build internal capacity to prepare for CSRD compliance with practical workshops, templates and best-practice examples.
  • Take advantage of tailored digital solutions to gain efficiency in the reporting process.

What you get

  • CSRD compliance timeline and practical checklist
  • ESRS writing workshop (online, hybrid, or presential)
  • ESRS writing guides for your internal use
  • ESRS templates to facilitate structuring and drafting
  • ESRS FAQ catalogue
  • 20-hours direct support (more available on request)

Contact us

Start your CSRD journey today.

Whether you want to know more, build internal capacity, or are ready to get started, get in touch with our experts to find the best solution for your business.
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Question not listed? Contact us!

Let's have a call
I don’t need to comply with CSRD yet, why should I start now?

CSRD requires new, complex, and time-consuming tasks including double materiality assessments, in-depth data collection across many ESG topics, data auditing, and digital data tagging among others.

Preparing early is crucial for success – it helps you identify challenges, implement necessary systems and processes, and smoothen the compliance process when you’re required to report.

What is the difference between the CSRD and the ESRS?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) defines who needs to report, why they need to report, and when they need to report. Companies subject to the CSRD need to report according to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

In other words, the ESRS defines what companies need to report on and how to do so.

What disclosures does the CSRD require?

The CSRD’s technical standards, known as the ESRS, have 12 draft standards. Two are cross-cutting—general requirements and general disclosures—which cover broad environmental, social, and governance topics.

Beyond those, there 5 Environmental, 4 Social, and 1 Governance topical standards that lay out more detailed disclosures and metrics on specific topics. To know more, check our EFRAG’s resources here.